+447377 330445
...It is with Love that we welcome you to Archangel Metatron's Healing System, Angelic Reiki...
Angelic Reiki ® is offered traditionally as 4 individual weekend courses and is divided into learning and experiential components: Degree Levels 1 and 2; Degree Levels 3 and 4; Professional Practitioner Level and Master Teacher Degree Level.
We also offer Degree Levels 1- 4 as a 4.5day intensive block. More information is below under Degree Levels 1-2 and 3-4.

The Healing of our Time
Angelic Reiki is a gentle and very safe way to receive and offer personal healing and on more profound level to connect with our infinite soul-self.
You will enjoy a Deeper Connection to the Angelic Kingdom of Light. The 'hidden' arcane purpose of Angelic Reiki is to awaken our connection to our ‘true’ or soul self.
The attunements and healings of Angelic Reiki will deepen your connection to the Angelic Kingdom of Light and may re-awaken you to your Soul’s purpose. Your experience of these workshops will be uniquely yours, Divinely personalised to you by the Angelic Kingdom of Light.
Some of you may go right through to the Master Teacher’s class to find that your unique gift is in poetry or art and that is the way you will share your unique gifts with others, whilst others will go on to formal teaching.
A workshop will impart to each participant a complete system of healing through the Angels and the Reiki symbols. The participant is given practical hands on experience in healing methodology involving healing as a channel, healing with intention, healing with Ascended and Galactic Masters, and Multi-dimensional healing.
The workshops also include information on how to attune spiritual tools such as crystals and essences.
Angelic Reiki workshops will give you the most perfect gift for YOU:
Supporting your own personal healing and spiritual journey
Opening up your gifts and spiritual talents
Revealing your dharma and life’s purpose
Helping you to support family and friends
Creating steps towards sharing Angelic Reiki with others as a professional healer or teacher

Your Personal and Spiritual Healing - the beginning of your journey to Self Healing
Angel Reiki ® Degree Levels 1 and 2
These workshops will give you your most perfect Gift!
This may be to support your own personal healing and your spiritual journey. It may be open up gifts and spiritual talents, or reveal your dharma and life's purpose. It may be to help family and friends or a step on the way to share it with others as a professional healer or teacher. It may total change your life.
You may not know, but your Soul knows why it has brought you here. It will change your DNA, your cells and molecules and activate your Lightbody. It will enable you to merge more intimately with Angelic Kingdom of Light. All spiritual teachings and energies are universally available to everyone, but through his guidance from the Master Djwhal Khul and the Archangel Metatron and his great knowledge of spiritual principles and ancient teachings, Kevin Core has woven together a unique and profound system of healing. This system has been named Angelic Reiki®.
These Degree Levels 1 and 2 will include:
Two Angelic Reiki cleanses and attunements; One Archangel initiation and blessing; A definition and understanding of the nature of Angelic energy; The principles of clearing and dedicating space; Six healing methods including self and distant healing; Four practical healing exchanges ; Cleansing and tuning of crystals; The Laws of healing according to the Divine hierarchy as given by Djwhal Khul.
Given with Love to You.
Upcoming Course Date for 2024:
March 13th - March 17th (1-4 Intensive)
Degree Levels 1-4 intensive Thirsk area, North Yorkshire
Course Energy Exchange 1-4 intensive: £700
Deposit Exchange to secure your place: £150
Small and supportive group sizes
To Register and for Paypal or Bank transfer information please use our Booking button below.
Paypal now available, including transaction fee: Total £718
2024 Energy Exchange revision:
1 and 2 Course Energy Exchange: £300 (This includes a manual and 1 of my hand-made mini Mala with crystals and sandalwood) (1 and 2 only). Master crystals are available to purchase prices TBC or bring your own quartz point master crystal)
Energy Exchange required to secure your place: £80 (non returnable) Bank Transfer and Paypal.
Paypal now available, including transaction fee. Total £ 308
Please use our Booking button below for registration and banking details for Bank Transfer and Paypal Profile
Upfront deposit exchange required to secure your place
Energy Exchange Balance due 3 weeks before course start by Bank Transfer/Paypal
Angelic Reiki is not available as an online hosted training course.

Become Initiated into the Master Energy of Angelic Reiki®
The purpose of this workshop is to initiate you into the Master energy of this system. This will happen in the most perfect way for you.
We recommend that you just be open to what may unfold. The name Reiki Master has sometimes been misunderstood and as always in Angelic Reiki we take our guidance from the Ancient Wisdom. To receive an attunement into Master energy is first and foremost a personal process. Your Soul has guided you to a place where you can receive the energetic tools in order to accept your own Mastership, accepting that this manifest reality is of your creation.
Our world is a great playground and these attunements are not about being good or spiritually perfect, a human judgement. They are about accepting and recognising that we are totally the creator of our lives ad accepting this Mastership with the personal responsibility and self awareness that this entails. This workshop opens the door to leave behind all the victimhood and sense of living life a result of some external effect.
This is not a teacher's workshop ; It is a stepping stone along your personal path. It will awaken YOUR spiritual talent and you will use this energy in your own unique way.You may find that work colleagues and friends see your advice where they didn't before; you may find that inspirational writing or your creativity starts to flow, you life may start to unfold in a new way; you may find that the lessons your Soul has chosen come up energetically and you experience some personal challenges. Embrace your beginnings on your Spiritual pathway; embrace your Mastership pathway with Grace, Love, Joy and Power.
Love and Blessings
This workshop will include the below and much more:
The purpose and process of clearing, opening and closing a space; Reviewing of the nature of Angelic energy and Archangels; Cleansing and attunement to Angelic Reiki® 3rd Degree; Cleansing, Entity release and attunement to Angelic Reiki® 4th Degree; Angelic Ray Attunement; Masters Archangelic Initiation; Three healing exchanges: one from 1&2 , With the Divine Presence and Eye Healing; Understanding of the Soul Family ; Information and discussion on Angelic Reiki® organisation in your country.
2024 Upcoming Course Dates: March 13th -17th 2024
Degree Levels 1-4 intensive Thirsk area, North Yorkshire
Course Energy Exchange 1-4 intensive: £700
Deposit Exchange: £150
To Register and for Paypal Profile or Bank transfer details, please use our Book Now button below.
Paypal now available, including transaction fee: Total £718
2024 revised Energy Exchange
Course Energy Exchange: £432 ( 3 & 4 Only )
Deposit Exchange: £100 (non returnable)
Paypal including transaction fee: Total £443
Paypal is now available
BACS /Paypal payments are to be made 3 weeks before start of the course
Cancellation of the event/course made by Angelic Connections will be refunded in full.
Cancellation by the participant prior to 7 days of the course beginning, all fees minus the deposit will be refunded.
This 3-4 level course refund would be £332 for example.
Angelic Reiki is not available as an online hosted training course.
Please use our Booking button below for reserving your course place and payment details.

Professional practice and essential and supplementary information for Angelic Reiki® practitioners . Addresses the practical and spiritual issues involved being a professional healer.
The purpose of this workshop is to equip you to share this amazing energy in a professional way. The workshop is presented in two parts and minimum of 3 days is required for both parts of this syllabus.
Small supportive group sizes.
Part One has 2 cleanses and attunements and two new healing methods. It focuses on the spiritual principles that are used in Angelic Reiki® as a healing modality.
Part Two covers the practical and spiritual issues involved in being a professional healer. Following the supervision of case studies and the signing of the Angelic Reiki charter, certificates will be issued individually.
The syllabus for Part One:
One clearing and entity release; Two attunements, Angelic Reiki 4 and level 3 & 4 Archangelic Initiation with the Mighty Sarim; Two new healing methods i.e. etheric body and spherical healing; Understanding the 2 healing types used in Angelic Reiki® i.e. Magnetic and Radiatory; Working with the feeling body; Review of how to cleanse and dedicate a space and its purpose function in healing; Healing into death and understanding the dying process; The nature of disease and the implications on a healing session; The healing session and looking at Confidentiality, Duration, Listening and communication skills, Feedback, Procedure for clients on medication.
The Syllabus for part 2:
Setting up in private practice i.e.
Legislation and insurance; Practical management: The healing space, renting versus home, organising appointments setting boundaries; Fees and charging for sessions; Setting up in business: business plans, funding, keeping accounts; Marketing: promoting yourself, the principles of creating your reality; Ethics; Ongoing Professional development; Mentoring and supervision
Course Dates : October 2024
Week com October 6th
For more information and confirmation of dates, please get in touch
3 Day Course Energy Exchange: £360 for Parts 1 and 2
Deposit Exchange : £100 (non returnable)
2 Day Course Energy Exchange: £252
Deposit Exchange: £100 (non returnable)
Please use our Booking button below for enquires and reserving your course place.
PayPal fees apply and will be added on top of the fees listed here
Angelic Reiki is not available as an online hosted training course

Initiation into the Master Teacher Energy of this unique Healing System
The purpose of this workshop is to initiate you into the Master Teacher energy of this most wonderful healing system. This will happen in the most perfect way for you.
Be open to the process that will unfold. The Angelic collective, the founders Kevin and Christine Core and all others initiated into the energy of Master Teacher, thank you for embracing this role of teacher here on Earth and you must know that it will bring you great blessings both during your life on Earth and in the other dimensional realms. Your human consciousness may never comprehend the great service that you do, but it will be seen from "above".
This is a channeling by Christine Core from the collective consciousness that is the Angelic Kingdom Of Light
" As you gather here for this earthly workshop please let it be known that you are seen, observed and acknowledged by this the collective consciousness which you call the Angelic Kingdom of Light. Your soul, your Divine calling has brought to this place as now you have graciously accepted your role in service in the grounding of our Light and Love. It is no small thing that you have gathered here today. This moment your very presence and collective intention has touched the whole of human consciousness.
As you integrate the energies of the next few days you will truly be transformed. Your consciousness and LIghtbody will constantly radiate our vibration of Love. Please do not feel that your human dilemmas and challenges which may arise will ever hamper or compromise the Light of the Angelic Kingdom that you radiate.
Follow your own guidance on whatever path may lead you to. Go without fear towards whatever makes your heart sing. Remember that it is impossible to be separate from us. You are our emissaries of Light and that you are holding this Light in the physical realm is awesome to us.
As you hear this message in the stillness of your heart and body we invite you to receive a great blessing of our Love and Gratitude.
We invite you now to say The Great Invocation which was given to you by the great Love of the Master Djwhal Khul. Make it your prayer ~ The Angelic Kingdom of Light"
The Syllabus for this Master Teacher's Degree is as follows:
The Principles and practice of Clearing and Dedicating the space; Fourth Degree Clearing, entity release and attunement; Meditation with Archangels of the Tree of Life; Archangelic Master Initiation and Attunement; Grounding and the feeling body; Setting up as a teacher; Practical experience and guidance fro leading a healing practice; Guidance on facilitating attunements, cleanses and the entity release; Organisation, support and responsibilities of the Teacher; Review and discussion of any topics or issues presented in Angelic Reiki.
Course Dates : TBA Sept 2024
Course Energy Exchange: £468 ( This includes a manual and certificate )
Deposit Exchange : £150 ( non returnable)
Please use our Booking button below for enquires and reserving your course place.
Angelic Reiki is not available as an online hosted training course
Does the idea of learning Angelic Reiki resonate with you? Give me a call today or send me a message to arrange an introductory chat or to ask any questions about information and the courses posted on our website.

Information Concerning Official Angelic Reiki, Practice and Training
In the UK more than one version of Angelic Reiki teaching has arisen. It is appreciated that this may be confusing to those considering receiving a healing or doing the courses. This website and my work are part of the official system. As a teacher and practitioner I am recognised by the co-founder Christine Core and registered with the Healer Foundation and affiliated to the British Complementary Medicine Association (BCMA), a UK ethical umbrella organisation for complementary medicine.
Angelic Reiki Professional Code of Ethics
In Angelic Reiki, we hold our clients with love respect, care and compassion. We ‘see’ them as their true nature which is an eternal spark of the divine beyond any troubles which may be besetting them at this time. We respect our clients’ views, opinions and choices as well as the opinions of others who may be supporting them, whether this be other healing professionals, medical practitioners or family.
As Angelic Reiki practitioners, we do not perceive ourselves to be in any special, elevated or superior position; we see ourselves as walking beside someone on their path.
Medical Conditions
An Angelic Reiki Practitioner does not diagnose disease, provide advice about medication or make any claims of providing a cure. The practitioner’s role is to empower the client to allow them to make their own decisions and to gently lead them into a place where they recognise the cause of what is causing them concern.
In an Angelic Reiki healing, the word healing is used in its traditional meaning of passing energy. The advice of a medical practitioner is always recommended where needed.
Client Confidentiality
A client’s information will not be discussed or shared with anyone (including other family members) without the client’s consent or a requirement by law.
Legal Requirements
An Angelic Reiki practitioner will have appropriate insurance and take the responsibility to research and comply with the legal requirements of the country in which they practice.
An Angelic Reiki Practitioner is required to complete all four levels of Angelic Reiki, submit at least three case studies for approval, and agree to embrace the Angelic Reiki Professional Ethos and Standards before being awarded with a Certificate of Professional Practice by a certified Angelic Reiki Master Teacher.
Ongoing Professional and Personal Development
In Angelic Reiki, a qualified practitioner embraces their own personal process of growth through a weaving together of ongoing professional development and personal reflection.