+447377 330445

Angelic Reiki and Shamballa Healing
Usui Reiki
Crystal Healing
Galactic and Arcturian Healing
Distance Healing
We offer a range of healing treatments to suit each person's spiritual and physical healing process.
Traditional Usui Reiki Healing is a perfect introduction to energy healing for your physical body, your mind and spirit. Age-old Healing symbols are used by the practitioner.
Angelic Reiki Healing is gentle and transformational healing received from the Angelic Kingdom of Light. It works at very deep levels within your spiritual bodies. You receive the perfect vibrational healing for You.
ARRH - Angelic Reiki Reconnection Healing is something very particular and works for those wishing to undertake some very special and transformative deep seated energy healing work. Available in person and by Zoom.
Shamballa Healing connects you with pure unconditional Shamballa Love and offers multidimensional healing.
Read all the information on this page and then please discuss your particular requirements and concerns with Hannah before receiving your healing treatment. Details of each type of healing are given here or please use the link button below for your convenience.
Distance Healing is in real time using the Zoom platform and is available for all healing methods, saving the Crystal Healing therapy. More information is available when arranging your session.
We have included some general notes on Distance Healing in the section below too.

Angelic Reiki
Angelic Reiki is a gentle loving healing experience suitable for all ages, during pregnancy, post surgery, and those with terminal illnesses.
Angelic Reiki can help with: gentle stimulating your body’s natural balance and a return to homeostasis; stimulating your chakra system and re-establishing a harmonious flow of energy from your crown to your root; the release of emotional blockages; to aid relief of stress, tension, and anxiety; pain relief and multi-levelled healing; healing of past trauma and abuse; enhancing clarity, alertness, and heightened perception/healthier perspective; deep relaxation and sense of inner peace; improved sleep quality; feeling refreshed, rejuvenated, re-energised and re-empowered.
Using Angelic Reiki the 'healing' is given by the Angelic Kingdom to the recipient through the healer-channel. Divine healing energy symbols, including the Atlantean Usui symbols, are used to facilitate the healing, however the Angelic Kingdom of Light guides this process because they know and understand you, the recipient, as a multidimensional being and so send the energy at that level. The 'healing' will be approximately between 15mins to 25mins actively, and then time for the recipient to relax in the energies.
When you make the decision to have an Angelic Reiki healing you activate something within and without of yourself, which begins the process of your healing journey. The healing session is divided into three parts of approximately 20mins: consultation, healing and post healing sharing of insights and answering of any question that may arise during the healing itself.
Sessions are recommended once every two weeks, and for deep seated conditions, a number of healings will be required. For some individuals , one session might be all that is required to re-tune them to their higher purposes.
Angelic Reiki activates all four bodies, the physical body is often where we see a problem manifesting after a long process of imbalance in the other three, these being; the emotional, the mental and the spiritual bodies.
Angelic Reiki can facilitate multidimensional healing and past life healing. This healing is done across all the incarnations you have experienced, across all dimensions and separate realities. It can be used to heal and clear problems and energy blockages within a person's ancestral lineage and genetic line.
Angelic Reiki Re-Connection Healing (ARRH) is now available and is available in person or by Zoom. For more information on this powerful re-connection process click here
Multiple sessions of 3 or more can be block paid with a discount of 10%. This offer is not in-conjunction with other discounts offered on healing services.
All sessions are available in person and via Zoom.
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Usui Reiki
Usui Reiki is an ancient healing art which is part of our collective consciousness and self-healing heritage as humans. In modern history, it can be dated back to Dr. Mikao Usui from Japan in the mid 1800's but has links to pre-written records in times of Mu and Atlantis, Gautama Siddhartha (Buddha) in India, and Jesus. Dr.Usui (a University Principle in Kyoto and also a Christian Minister) wished to seek the origins of Jesus's and Buddha's healing methods and his journey led him to discover the ancient remnants of the deity Shiva's early culture, in the estoric teaching of India. Reiki lineages from Dr. Usui traveled from Kyoto, to Hawaii, into the US and subsequently worldwide.
Usui Reiki uses a collection of very ancient symbols which are held in the consciousness of the healer during the healing, whilst moving her hands to different locations around the recipient's body. This naturally will include over the body's main 7 chakra system. The healer's hands can be placed on the body, over loose clothes, or held a short distance above, depending the area being treated and also depending on the client's level of personal comfort. Reiki can be given over the front or both sides of the body, if the recipient is lying down on a massage bed; it can given whilst the client is seated in a modified manner, if a client is unable to lie down, for any reason. Reiki also combines wonderfully with crystal healing. A combination of specially selected crystals placed on the main chakra points, with Reiki, will create a gentle balancing within the body. If using chakra healing stones, it is not usually necessary to perform Reiki healing on both sides of the body as the crystals offer a boost to the treatment, by way of their piezoelectric effect.
Hands on healing often creates a warming effect on the client ( the healers hands become very warm naturally, with the flow of energy ) and so if very possible to to feel pockets of warmth , movement of energy within the body and tingling sensations. Equally, some healing produces a cooling effect and so blankets are offered for the comfort of each client.
Reiki is a wonderful way to first experience hands on healing and can offer numerous benefits: relieves pain and discomfort; reduces stress and anxiety; awakens intuition; promotes natural healing; strengthens the immune system; balances energy and chakras; assists in weight-loss and releases toxins; complements allopathic treatments and supports healing post-surgical procedure.
Sessions are recommended once every two weeks initially, and for deep seated conditions, a number of healings will be required. To benefit the most from Usui Reiki, it is advised that you have fairly regular healing sessions following your initial visit, to maintain the changes within your body and energy field.
Sessions are available in person and via Zoom.
Shamballa Healing~5th Dimensional Healing and Multi Dimensional Healing
This is a wonderful stand-alone multidimensional healing system which heals on all levels of reality. Shamballa as described by Djwhal Khul, channeled through Alice Bailey, is the Will aspect of Divine Creative Energy, acting through the First Ray.
Shamballa is the Diamond Light of Pure Love that is Unconditional Love. It is an incredibly powerful and grounding healing experience and will attune you to your perfect Divine I AM Presence. As a healing experience, it will super charge your 5th Dimensional presence and help you to tap into the Multi Dimensional nature of our reality. The healing will take 20 mins, with 15mins consultation and 15mins to discuss the healing session and offer any further support. This is also available as a Distance healing option using the Zoom platform .
Crystal Healing
Crystal healing is used in-conjunction with Usui Reiki and Angelic Reiki. The most appropriate crystals are selected to support and enhance your personal healing session. Crystals have a pizo-electrical quality which will increase the desired vibrational healing frequencies in the various energy centres around your body, to further support your beautiful healing experience
More information on Distance Healing
Remote Healing or Distance Healing has always been possible, but for many it seemed like the option that was some how not as authentic or powerful as a healing in the healers therapy room. Distance or remote healing uses 'quantum' energy which can connect across any distance; this energy is sent to the recipient, since such energy can be sent via thought, emotion, and intention. The specially directed healing energy has intentions to heal, so it will positively affect the receiver and so the distance can be small or ...to the other side of the world. Stretching beyond the limits of time and space, distance healing sends specially focused healing to reach you no matter where you are. Distance healing comes in many forms, however their similarity is their ability to work over any distance with the wonderful, relaxing, healing benefits of a session in a therapy room. Distance healing has become notably more popular (and more widely accepted) during the past couple of years, as people are finding it more difficult to travel for a variety of different reasons.
For Distance healing, I use the Zoom platform. In this way we can meet virtually, initially, during the healing we remain connected and then afterwards we can have time together to discuss anything which has occurred during the healing session or that is relevant to you and your healing process going forwards.
Multiple sessions or 3 or more can be block paid with a discount of 10%.
This offer is not in-conjunction with other discounts offered on healing services.
We can now take Paypal payments for bookings and Distance Healing options.
Disclaimer : Angelic Reiki Healing and all healing treatments offered by Angelic Connections are not offered as a cure or as a substitute for medical or psychological diagnosis and treatment. The information provided on this website, expressed or implied, is for the purposes of information only; it is not given as medical advice.